Monday, February 22, 2010

Utah Lake bridge developer says project a go

Businessman, Leon Harward, says he's only months away from starting construction on a toll bridge across Utah Lake. The bridge will cost $300 million. Harward, a partner for a private outfit called Utah Crossing Inc., is rejecting calls from skeptics to take out an insurance bond for the bridge's removal in case the project sours.
Harward insists the venture will be well-funded and won't fail, and that a bond isn't necessary. The bridge is meant to connect booming bedroom communities on the west side of Utah Lake with the Provo-Orem metropolitan area on the east.Promoters have said it will serve a booming population that could reach a half-billion in 20 years. Harward said that even in the worst-case scenario -- he builds a bridge and for some reason has to walk away -- the state will be left owning the bridge at no cost to taxpayers.The Salt Lake Tribune