Friday, May 18, 2012

Community leaders participate in poverty simulation

Many stories of hardship and unfortunate events, were simulated Thursday afternoon by local leaders and activists to help give them a perspective of what Utah County families are facing as they go through life. "It is really valuable to have that taste," Provo Mayor John Curtis said. "To taste it in a small way I think is important."

Curtis was joined by business leaders, county commissioners, state lawmakers and those in the community who might be in a position to help those in need in a simulation put on by Community Action Services and Food Bank. The group was divided into different families; the families faced a month's worth of ups and downs that a family near the federal poverty line and lives in Utah County might face.

They had to go to work, deal with robberies, pawn items to make the mortgage or pay the rent. They had life experiences come to pass as babies were born or grandparents moved in. They had options to go to the government for help but could face some of the challenges that come with dealing with the government. Daily Herald